input ; u:=1cm; %----------------------------------- Définition du cadre path cadre; numeric xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; xmin:=-4u; xmax:=8u; ymin:=-6u; ymax:=7u; cadre:=(xmin,ymin)--(xmax,ymin)--(xmax,ymax)--(xmin,ymax)--cycle; %---------------------------------- Définitions générales utilisées % sur toutes les figures pair A,B,C,D,E,F,G,Q,R,I,J,K,L; numeric c; c:=5; ang :=110; C:=(0,0); % grand carré B:=(c*u,0); Q:=(c*u,-c*u); R:=(0,-c*u); draw polygone(B,Q,R,C); I:=0.5[C,B]; % milieux du grand carré J:=0.5[B,Q]; K:=0.5[Q,R]; L:=0.5[R,C]; A:= B rotatedaround(I,ang); % point A draw polygone(A,B,C); trace codeperp(B,A,C,5); D:= A rotatedaround(C,90); % carré gauche E:= C rotatedaround(D,90); draw polygone(A,E,D,C); F:= B rotatedaround(A,90); % carré droit G:= A rotatedaround(F,90); draw polygone(A,B,G,F); pair M,N,O,P; pair T,TT; T:=I shifted (C-A); % point M TT:=J shifted (D-C); M= whatever[I,T]; M= whatever[J,TT]; T:=J shifted (D-C); % point N TT:=K shifted (C-A); N= whatever[J,T]; N= whatever[K,TT]; T:=L shifted (D-C); % point O TT:=K shifted (C-A); O= whatever[L,T]; O= whatever[K,TT]; T:=L shifted (D-C); % point P TT:=I shifted (C-A); P= whatever[L,T]; P= whatever[I,TT]; draw I--P; draw J--M; draw K--N; draw L--O; picture fig; path poly; fig:=currentpicture; currentpicture:=nullpicture; beginfig(1) fill polygone(I,B,J,M) withcolor orange; fill polygone(J,Q,K,N) withcolor orange; fill polygone(L,O,K,R) withcolor orange; fill polygone(M,N,O,P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,P,L,C) withcolor orange; %------------------------------- Tracé de la figure draw fig ; %------------------------------- Tracé du cadre draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; %---------------------------------- Définitions des figures for i:=0 upto 10: beginfig(i+2) fill polygone(I,B,J,M) withcolor orange; fill polygone(J,Q,K,N) withcolor orange; fill polygone(L,O,K,R) withcolor orange; fill polygone(M,N,O,P) withcolor orange; poly := polygone(I,P,L,C) shifted ((0.1*i)*(B-P)); fillcolor:=blue; transparence poly; %------------------------------- Tracé de la figure draw fig ; %------------------------------- Tracé du cadre draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; endfor; for i:=0 upto 10: beginfig(i+13) fill polygone(J,Q,K,N) withcolor orange; fill polygone(L,O,K,R) withcolor orange; fill polygone(M,N,O,P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,P,L,C) shifted (B-P) withcolor orange; poly := polygone(I,B,J,M) shifted ((0.1*i)*(A-M)); fillcolor:=blue; transparence poly; %------------------------------- Tracé de la figure draw fig ; %------------------------------- Tracé du cadre draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; endfor; for i:=0 upto 10: beginfig(i+24) fill polygone(L,O,K,R) withcolor orange; fill polygone(M,N,O,P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,P,L,C) shifted (B-P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,B,J,M) shifted (A-M) withcolor orange; poly := polygone(J,Q,K,N) shifted ((0.1*i)*(F-N)); fillcolor:=blue; transparence poly; %------------------------------- Tracé de la figure draw fig ; %------------------------------- Tracé du cadre draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; endfor; for i:=0 upto 10: beginfig(i+35) fill polygone(M,N,O,P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,P,L,C) shifted (B-P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,B,J,M) shifted (A-M) withcolor orange; fill polygone(J,Q,K,N) shifted (F-N) withcolor orange; poly := polygone(L,O,K,R) shifted ((0.1*i)*(G-O)); fillcolor:=blue; transparence poly; %------------------------------- Tracé de la figure draw fig ; %------------------------------- Tracé du cadre draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; endfor; for i:=0 upto 10: beginfig(i+46) fill polygone(I,P,L,C) shifted (B-P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,B,J,M) shifted (A-M) withcolor orange; fill polygone(J,Q,K,N) shifted (F-N) withcolor orange; fill polygone(L,O,K,R) shifted (G-O) withcolor orange; poly := polygone(M,N,O,P) shifted ((0.1*i)*(E-M)); fillcolor:=blue; transparence poly; %------------------------------- Tracé de la figure draw fig ; %------------------------------- Tracé du cadre draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; endfor; beginfig(57) fill polygone(I,P,L,C) shifted (B-P) withcolor orange; fill polygone(I,B,J,M) shifted (A-M) withcolor orange; fill polygone(J,Q,K,N) shifted (F-N) withcolor orange; fill polygone(L,O,K,R) shifted (G-O) withcolor orange; fill polygone(M,N,O,P) shifted (E-M) withcolor orange; %------------------------------- Tracé de la figure draw fig ; %------------------------------- Tracé du cadre draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; end ;
Animation (5) sur Pythagore