input geometriesyr16; input; u:=1cm; %----------------------------------- Définition du cadre path cadre; numeric xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; xmin:=-2u; xmax:=14u; ymin:=-2u; ymax:=7u; cadre:=(xmin,ymin)--(xmax,ymin)--(xmax,ymax)--(xmin,ymax)--cycle; %---------------------------------- Définitions générales utilisées % sur toutes les figures pair A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H; pair V; numeric c; c:=4; %côté du cube A=(0,0); B=(c*u,0); C=(c*u,c*u); D=(0,c*u); V=(2u,u); % vecteur pour la perspective E= A shifted V; F= B shifted V; G= C shifted V; H= D shifted V; pair W; W:=(8u,u); pair T,TT; T:=(3u,-u); TT:=(10u,-u); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i:=0 upto 10: beginfig(i+1) draw A--B--C--D--cycle; draw B--F--G--C; draw G--H--D; draw A--E--F dashed evenly; draw H--E dashed evenly; numeric cr; cr:=0.1*i; pair I,J,K,L; I:=cr[A,D]; J:=cr[B,C]; K:=cr[F,G]; L:=cr[E,H]; path section; section = I--J--K--L--cycle; fillcolor:=1.3orange; transparence section; draw I--J--K; draw K--L--I dashed evenly; %----------Vue de dessus I:=A shifted W; J:=B shifted W; K:=C shifted W; L:=D shifted W; section := I--J--K--L--cycle; fillcolor:=1.3orange; transparence section; draw section; label(TEX("\uline{Vue en perspective}"),T); label(TEX("\uline{Vue de dessus}"),TT); draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; endfor %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i:=1 upto 10: beginfig(i+11) draw A--B--C--D--cycle; draw B--F--G--C; draw G--H--D; draw A--E--F dashed evenly; draw H--E dashed evenly; numeric cr; cr:=1-0.1*i; pair I,J,K,L; I:=cr[A,D]; J:=cr[B,C]; K:=cr[F,G]; L:=cr[E,H]; path section; section = I--J--K--L--cycle; fillcolor:=1.3orange; transparence section; draw I--J--K; draw K--L--I dashed evenly; %----------Vue de dessus I:=A shifted W; J:=B shifted W; K:=C shifted W; L:=D shifted W; section := I--J--K--L--cycle; fillcolor:=1.3orange; transparence section; draw section; label(TEX("\uline{Vue en perspective}"),T); label(TEX("\uline{Vue de dessus}"),TT); draw cadre withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; clip currentpicture to cadre; endfig; endfor end
Section d’un cube parallèlement à sa base